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Dudeck Lab OvGU Group Photo

Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg

Research Group
Anne Dudeck

Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

Research Group Anne Dudeck

The Dudeck lab explores the intercellular communication of innate immune cells which ensure the first line immune defense and tissue integrity. In different mouse models of inflammatory skin diseases, we study the complex dynamics of tissue resident immune cell responses and cell recruitment processes.

The main focus of our research group is the investigation of mast cells as orchestrators of local inflammatory processes in the skin and their systemic effects. Although mast cells are known to be effector cells of type I allergy, their role in the induction and regulation of innate and adaptive immunity and in maintaining tissue integrity is poorly understood. Our work over the last years has shown that mast cells play an important role as tissue-resident sentinel cells which initiate the innate immune response and can also influence the adaptive defense.

Dudeck Lab OvGU  perivascular mast cells along blood vessels

For our work, we apply high-performance methods for both quantitative and qualitative analysis of different immune cell populations, such as elaborate flow cytometry analysis and transcriptomic profiling. In particular, we perform sophisticated imaging analysis, such as intravital 2-photon microscopy and light sheet microscopy of transgenic mouse models, in which certain cells express fluorescent reporter proteins. Most notably, the non-invasive intravital microscopy of the skin enables us to track immune cell motilities and interaction in real time and study the course of an inflammatory response up to tissue regeneration. Moreover, we use mouse models of conditional gene inactivation to decipher the relevance of certain mast cell mediators or signaling compenents.

Latest News


The lab is growing again! We have three new group members: two new PhD students and one postdoc. Welcome to the lab, Tanja, Maria and Olga! We wish you a wonderful and successful start and lot's of success for your projects!

Tanja Schickschneit.jpg
Dudeck Lab Platzhalter


As the end of the year 2024 approaches, we're looking back on an eventful year. We had some great PhD and master defenses, some awesome international conferences and the welcome of new group members. And we are excited to kick off the new year with even more promising projects and more group members. We'll have more news for you soon!

Dudeck Lab OvGU Christmas Market
Dudeck Lab OvGU Christmas Market


Caution, VENOM! We are thrilled to announce that the student teaching project VENOM has been approaved by the University Teaching Committee. We can't wait to launch some amazing projects next year that will involve the students' active participation.

Dudeck Lab OvGU student teaching project VENOM
Dudeck Lab OvGU student teaching project VENOM


Well done, Patricia! Congratulations on your master's degree. With the successful defense of your thesis, you have officially completed your master’s studies in immunology at the at the Otto-von-Guericke-University in Magdeburg. Wishing you every success in your future endeavors!

Dudeck Lab OvGU Defense Patricia Vazquez Robles


Congratulations on your successful PhD defense, Dr. Martin Voss! After submitting such an impressive PhD thesis, you also performed excellently in your defense. You've reached a significant milestone and can now close this chapter. The entire team is incredibly proud of you!

Dudeck Lab OvGU Defense Martin Voss
Dudeck Lab OvGU Defense Martin Voss
Dudeck Lab OvGU Defense Martin Voss


Thank you, Dr. Johanna Kotrba! After 8 wonderful years in the Dudeck lab, it's time for a new challenge. We look back on an exciting time with several publications, many shared conferences and countless but fruitful scientific discussions. As you take the next step in your career, we wish you all the best and hope you have a great time!

Dudeck Lab OvGU Fare Well Johanna Kotrba


Big conference in Ireland: The 7th European Congress of Immunology (ECI) took place in Dublin from September 1st-4th 2024. So many scientist from all over the world, so many great talks and fruitful discussions. While Johanna had a talk in one of the workshops, Konstantinos and Aaron presented their research topics in the poster session. This was a great opportunity again to represent the mast cell research on such a big conference. Well done!

Dudeck Lab OvGU ECI Dublin
Dudeck Lab OvGU ECI Dublin

For more news click here.

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